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Experience Vibrant Life

Transform Your Beliefs

At Imagine Life Ministries, we empower individuals, leaders, and churches to deepen their spiritual life with God through a renewed mind and invigorated spirit.  Spiritual vitality comes through experiencing Christ’s presence and power in the Holy Spirit.

Our Mission and Vision

Imagine Life Ministries helps churches and leaders come alive with vibrant spiritual life.

We serve God by challenging the false beliefs hindering his people’s growth, vision, and impact.  We help God’s people renew their minds in Christ and empower them with hope-filled, faith-inspired vision and beliefs.  The Spirit’s presence and power is essential to this.  Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water (Jn 7:38).'”  Through a renewed mind  “set on the things of the Spirit,” God’s people experience everlasting joy, freedom, and life.

Encounter – Empower — Emanate   

Meet Our Directors

Andy Fitzgerald


Andy holds a doctorate emphasizing contextual theology (Northern Seminary).  He is also an adjunct professor at A.W. Tozer Seminary in Redding, California.  He is the author of the book A Powerful Presence:  An Evangelical Pastor Visits Bethel Church.   He enjoys reading, playing basketball, and taking long walks with his wife, Jenny Fitzgerald.  

Jenny Fitzgerald


Along with serving Imagine Life Ministries, Jenny is the Co-Director of Beliefs Training and a certified Beliefs Coach with Igniting Hope Ministries. She has worked with hundreds to help them renew their minds from false beliefs and restricting emotions, leading to increased hope, joy, and freedom.  Jenny can be reached at   

Andy and Jenny have been in ministry for over thirty years, serving as church planters, lead and associate pastors, and university chaplains.  They are passionate about helping others come alive with vibrant spiritual life in Christ.  They have been married for twenty-four years and have four children.  They reside in Redding, California, along with their four children.  

Our Story

 We were tired and frustrated church planters.  After serving our church plant for several years, we wanted something more than just trying to increase our membership size or implement the latest ministry program.  We wanted to flourish and thrive with our congregation spiritually but weren’t sure how. Then, one day, Jenny was miraculously healed of an ailment she had endured for years.  Jenny’s healing pleasantly unsettled our “well-managed” ministry life and eventually led us to more of the Person and power of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit makes Christ’s presence real and his resurrection power available to every believer and church, leading to ever-increasing joy and freedom.  The Holy Spirit is the power “of the age to come,” who possesses unlimited resources for God’s people (Heb 6:5).

With Imagine Life Ministries, our team empowers you to discover the life, power, and freedom that is yours in Christ.  Following the apostle Paul, we believe true freedom comes through encountering God and being “transformed by the renewal of your mind (Rom 12:1-2).”  Through encounter and mind renewal, we see and participate in  the Spirit’s powerful presence.  A renewed mind also helps us quickly identify the negative beliefs and emotions that hinder our lives.  Imagine Life Ministries offers personal coaching, workshops, and online curriculum to help you identify lies and exchange them for power-filled beliefs.  And the results have been astounding.  Believers nationwide have experienced life-changing breakthrough in their lives, families, and ministries.  Spiritual health and vitality are yours in Christ through a mind renewed “set on the things of the Spirit (Rom 8:4).”     


“I learned so much through the Hearing God’s Voice course.  The Imagine Life community was so supportive.”

Liz Woo

“Imagine Life has had a massive impact on me, and seeing Andy and Jenny bring breakthrough wherever they speak has been amazing”

Robert Weir

“Andy and Jenny’s Hearing God’s Voice workshop helped me reconcile the dynamic nature of the Holy Spirit with the unchanging wisdom of the Scripture.”

Pastor Fred Mok

Empowering Spiritual Life

Personal Coaching

Imagine Life will personally walk with you to help you identify the false beliefs that hinder your life, relationships, and leadership so you can exchange them with faith-filled ones that result in vision and life.

Hearing God's Voice Workshop

Our Hearing God’s Voice workshop and online course will help you and your congregation deepen your connection with God through growing in a conversational relationship with Christ and the Spirit.

Culture of Empowerment

Take your leadership and congregation higher by learning to create a culture of empowerment.  Our coaching will help you focus on building “big people” instead of a “big church.” 

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